Isolation Manifolds
Do you dive with twin cylinders and an isolation manifold? How
fast can you isolate and shut a cylinder down? Would you bet your life on
With independent cylinders, a diver needs to swap regulators to
balance the gas used between the cylinders. The objective is that at any point
in the dive either cylinder should have enough gas to get back to the surface
should the regulator on the other cylinder fail.
On a dive planned by rule of thirds, this amounts to never
letting one cylinder get more than 1/3 ahead of the other cylinder. In practice,
most divers seem to keep a little extra margin, maybe aiming to not let one
cylinder get more than 50 bar ahead of the other cylinder.
Even with an isolation manifold, following a regulator failure
with gas escaping, both cylinders will loose gas until the isolator is closed;
then the cylinder with the failed regulator will continue to loose gas until the
cylinder tap is closed. Once everything is stable, the isolator tap can be
re-opened to enable the working regulator to draw gas from both cylinders.
The worst case for an independent twin set should be that at any
point in a dive the remaining cylinder will have just enough gas for the diver
to get back to the surface. So the target for a manifolded set should be, at any
point in the dive, to be able to isolate and shut down before half the remaining
gas is lost.
If the isolate and shutdown can be made faster, the diver with a
manifolded set has a better safety margin. And if the isolate and shutdown is
slower, there may not be enough gas to return to the surface. So a diver with an
isolation manifold needs to practice isolate and shutdown drills to make sure
that in a real situation they gain rather than loose.
Just how fast does an isolate and shutdown need to be?
I set out to take some measurements. Or rather, I co-opted Steve
Chaplin to help me take some measurements. I couldn't do it without help because
I have always used independent cylinders. It's a personal thing, I like the
modularity of being able to brake gear down and reconfigure it easily. Also I am
not very flexible; I am not sufficiently proficient at an isolate and shutdown
drill to, as I mentioned, bet my life on it.
On the other hand, Steve has a set of 12 litre cylinders with an
isolation manifold. He is also quite flexible and proficient at gas shutdowns.
Nicely on the opposite side of the manifold fence to me.
As I mentioned, Steve’s rig is fairly typical. 12.2 litre 232 bar
Faber cylinders, Scubapro cylinder valves and isolation manifold equipped with
Sherwood rubber knobs for easy shutdowns, and DIN fitting Scubapro mark 20
demand valves. One with a long hose, and one with a pressure gauge. The only
modification we made was to add a second pressure gauge so we could measure each
cylinder pressure independently.
Steve rigged his twin set with regulators. We doctored it to
simulate a range of gas loosing failures, and measured how much gas was lost
from each cylinder over 15 and 30 second periods.
Failure scenarios:
- Uncontrolled free flow (by holding the purge on a second stage);
- Low pressure hose failure, on both the long hose and the short hose (by disconnecting a second stage from the hose);
- High pressure hose failure (by disconnecting the pressure gauge);
- High pressure O ring failure (by cutting 25% out of an O ring).
From these experiments we discovered that the worst case scenario
was a burst low pressure hose, and that it didn’t matter whether it was a long
or short hose. A burst low pressure hose could actually blow a cylinder down
faster than just opening the cylinder valve to the air with no regulator
Rounding to the nearest decimal of a litre, the loss rate varied
from 32.5 litres per second for cylinders two thirds full to 20.3 litres per
second for cylinders at 60 bar. In the middle at 100 bar the loss averaged 24.4
litres per second.
Our other initial finding was that the manifold did not restrict
flow between cylinders at all. Even when the isolation valve was only cracked
half a turn open, both cylinders lost gas equally until the isolator was closed.
Only just cracking the isolator may knock a few seconds off your shutdown time,
but it will not significantly restrict the loss of gas across the manifold.
Knowing that the loss rate varied with cylinder pressure, would
it vary with depth? We conducted a further experiment to check this, carrying a
spare cylinder and regulator on a dive and letting it blow at 30 metres. The
rate of gas loss did not change with depth.
Armed with a selection of data, I then put it all together into a
spreadsheet to calculate target shutdown times for various cylinder sizes and
The first chart is for cylinders at 140 bar at the time of the
failure. The “1/3 in” point on rule of thirds, where half the remaining gas is
needed to get out safely.
The second chart is for cylinders at 100 bar, selected as typical
of the point where an open water dive would be planned to begin ascending if
decompression stops were to be made on the main gas, without stage cylinders or
separate deco gas. The actual pressure would depend on the specific dive plan,
but 100 bar is fairly typical.
That doesn’t sound too arduous, after all, you practice gas
shutdowns regularly and have no difficult achieving these times. But let’s put
the exercise into better context. Incidents don’t happen like practice
exercises. They hit you by surprise at the most awkward time.
You are at 35 metres, slightly fuzzed even with nitrox. You are
engrossed in whatever you are doing - laying a line, measuring a porthole,
teasing a lobster out of its home, taking a photograph, swimming through a
wreck, sending up a delayed SMB. Suddenly there are bubbles all over the
Even so, all that practice pays off and you close the isolator in
just 5 seconds longer than your usual practice time.
And all the while the stress is building.
Despite all these distractions you get the cylinder tap closed.
It is just about in time. Congratulations, you will live through the
But as I have mentioned several times, are you prepared to bet
your life on the isolate and shutdown times you achieve during practice
sessions? Suppose it takes a little longer? Suppose in all the confusion you
can’t work out which cylinder valve to close and have to work by trial and
error? Suppose an LP hose failure happens when you have less gas to start
I don’t claim that our experiments or analysis are sufficiently
complete to be definitive. The numbers may come out slightly different for other
makes of manifold or demand valve. Maybe you should allow some additional margin
for this, or maybe you should take some measurements of your own, at least
enough to confirm that you can trust our results.
Personally I would be aiming for an additional 10 second margin
on closing the isolation valve and an additional 15 second margin on closing the
cylinder valve. To me that is a reasonable allowance for the confusion of a real
situation. The sort of margin I would be confident to bet my life on.
If you have a twin 7 litre set with an isolation manifold, maybe
you should re-think your dive strategy to keep the manifold closed. Treat the
set as independent singles, swap regulators during the dive, and save the
isolator for opening after the cylinder valve for an offending regulator has
been shut down.
If you have a twin 10 litre set, you need to be very proficient
to make the manifold an advantage rather than a disadvantage. Maybe you should
be keeping it closed as I have suggested for twin 7s.
If you have a twin 12 litre set, you may feel happy enough with
your shutdown times. I wouldn’t; but you may be more flexible and more practised
than I am. It is worth noting that although the various training agencies differ
in their practice exercises and targets for isolate and shutdown drills, they
all come inside the critical time shown for twin 12s on the charts.
With a twin 15 litre set or larger, the margins don’t look so
tight. But don’t get complacent.
One way to speed up shutdown times is with a remote control knob
on the isolator valve, so that the manifold can be isolated without having to
reach over your head. For a diver who, like me, is not very flexible, this
certainly makes the first step of isolating cylinders easier. But you still have
to reach back to close down the offending cylinder tap.
You could also try mounting cylinders upside-down, like the
police and military divers do. A few minor problems like protecting valves while
putting the rig on and routing hoses need to be sorted out, but there are many
tried and tested solutions. Some divers claim they can reach the taps more
easily this way. Others actually find it more difficult.
Whatever configuration you adopt, practice in controlled
conditions before using it in anger. To benefit from a manifold, you need to be
able to complete an isolate and shutdown drill fast enough to save sufficient
gas to make it back to the surface. Overall, it is your decision what margins
you are happy to bet your life on.
What the training agencies say:
- BSAC: Jack Ingle: “There is no hard performance requirement in the BSAC extended range course. Personally I aim to be able to isolate and shutdown in 10 seconds.”
- DSAT: Mark Caney: “The equipment requirement is for a minimum of twin 12 litre cylinders. The performance requirement is for a combined exercise where the diver fully closes and re-opens the isolator valve and both cylinder valves within 45 seconds, switching regulators as necessary.”
- IANTD: Kevin Gurr: “My target is 15-20 seconds for a complete shutdown drill. That is close the centre, close number one, switch to number two, open number one, switch back to number one, close number two, open number two, open centre, check number one and two.”
- TDI: Dave Crockford: “A training skills circuit of closing and re-opening all 3 valves, switching and checking regulators as needed, should be completed within 2 minutes. Simple division gives 20 seconds to close each valve, though I would expect divers to be faster than this.”
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