3 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe


“Ideal” Manifolds… Not So Ideal?
By Jeffrey Bozanic, NSS-CDS 181, NSS 22353 Fellow
October 2005
The Benjamin Conversion manifold, or as it is more popularly called, the dual valve manifold, was utilized for cave diving and other environments in which regulator redundancy was deemed beneficial throughout the late 1970s to the mid-1990s. This manifold was a vast improvement over the pre-existing manifolds of the day, as they allowed two independent regulator systems to be used on the same set of doubles. Thus, if a regulator failure occurred (either first or second stage), the diver still had a viable option for self-rescue from the cave. During this time, cave divers worried about a few possible failures that could still result in catastrophic gas loss from the primary gas supply. These included:
  • Burst disk failure
  • Sudden, massive failure of one of the cylinder neck o-rings which seals the manifold
  • Loss of integrity of the manifold itself
These concerns lead to the development of the “Ideal” or isolation manifold, which allowed the two cylinders to be isolated from each other, maintaining at least part of the gas in the event of one of the failures listed above. It was considered a vast improvement, and very quickly replaced the use of the “unsafe” dual valve manifold. It is the primary manifold used today for all forms of technical open circuit diving. Yet, my opinion is this valve does not add safety, rather it significantly reduces it.
During the twenty or so years in which the dual valve manifold design was in use, there was only one recorded failure of the type listed above that occurred while diving. This event occurred during a cave dive while using a Sherwood manifold incorporating a metal-to-metal seal. Immediately prior to the dive, the double cylinders were accidentally knocked off the preparation platform. They fell about three feet to the ground, landing on the manifold. The manifold was closely examined prior to diving, but was not leaking, and the divers elected to dive. After the cylinder pressure had been reduced to about 1500 psi, the manifold catastrophically failed, and both divers exited successfully sharing gas from the remaining rig. It was suggested at the time that the fall caused a displacement cylinders relative to each other, which did not manifest itself until the pressure reduction allowed the metal-to-metal seal to shift and lose integrity.
In addition, in 30 years of accident data collection, there are two instances of in-water burst disk failure recorded. Both events occurred with cylinders that had been pressurized beyond the working pressure of the cylinders (in one case almost to the hydrostatic test pressure!), and occurred within minutes of the cylinders being placed in the water (prior to cave penetration, while in a safe environment). Also, in both instances, the burst disks had not been replaced in many years. It can be hypothesized that the old disks had metal fatigue from small flexing associated with repetitive filling and emptying over the years, and failed due to thermal shock when placed into relatively cold water after being sun warmed on the surface. Cave divers used to alleviate this risk by double disking or soldering the disks shut, but these are not recommended procedures. A far better practice is to replace all burst disks annually. As both of these incidents occurred at the surface, prior to beginning the dive, an isolation manifold would not have benefited the divers, since they would have called the dive anyway.
In contrast, since the isolation manifold was introduced in the early 1990’s, there have been many, many incidents related to misuse of the manifold. Most of these have been rectified without harm to the divers involved, but all of them had the potential for very serious consequences. The types of problems associated with this design of manifold along with representative case histories include:
  1. The isolation valve being closed prior to the dive.
Case #1: This involved a cave diver who began the dive with 3,000 psi (200 bar) in his doubles. He and his buddy did a S-drill prior to descending, indicating that both regulators were working fine. About 15 minutes into the dive, he noted that the pressure on his SPG was not dropping as expected. He reached up, opened the isolation manifold, and watched as his pressure dropped from 2,700 psi (180 bar) to 1,700 psi (110 bar). He called the dive, and exited the cave with no further incidents.
What happened was that the diver was in the practice of always leaving his isolation manifold open. However, when he had it filled, apparently the fill station operator closed it. Thus, only one cylinder was being utilized during the dive. The diver using the cylinders did not check the isolation valve, since it was “always” open. The pressure drop seen was due to the S-drill usage, BC and drysuit inflation, and cylinder cooling after being placed into the water.
  1. The isolation valve being closed during filling of the cylinders.
Case #2: A cave diver planned a nitrox dive to a depth of 110 ffw. Prior to the dive he analyzed his cylinders and found that he had EAN32, as expected.  He proceeded to a depth of 50 ffw, whereupon he began to experience symptoms of CNS oxygen toxicity. He immediately began sharing gas from his buddy, and aborted the dive.
After examining the cylinders on the surface, the team found EAN32 in one cylinder, and 100% oxygen in the second. Apparently, at some time during the blending process, the isolation valve was shut, resulting in only one cylinder being properly prepared. This was the cylinder that was analyzed, and so everything appeared normal prior to the dive. At no time prior to the dive did the diver check the isolation valve.
  1. Roll off of the left manifold valve.
Case #3: A cave diver swimming through a tight cave passage experienced a sudden failure of his gas supply. He switched regulators, and aborted the dive. After surfacing, he found that left manifold valve was closed. It had been open prior to the dive, as evidenced by his utilization of that regulator for the entire period up to the sudden supply failure. His forward movement through the overhead environment resulted in the “auto-shutdown” of the valve, as the hand wheel turned shut off as it scraped across the ceiling.
These failures are only representative of those in the files, and related to me anecdotally from other sources. Cases like this are very numerous, and any of them could have resulted in a fatality. In my opinion, it is only a matter of time until one does.
One might argue that these incidents did not need to occur, and that it was the divers’ fault for not checking the isolation valve prior to their dives. I do not disagree with this. However, when a piece of equipment opens itself up to a multitude of cases of “pilot error,” while not providing any concrete improvement in other areas of safety, then the net result is one of additional risk with a commensurate reduction in safety. For this reason, and the history of misuse of the manifolds in the field, my belief is that we should go back to using the standard dual valve manifold of the 1980’s or adopt another type of technology.
NOTE: This is one of a series of articles planned for Underwater Speleology, NACD News, and other journals of interest to the technical diving community which will discuss findings from the combined accident analysis files collected by the cave diving community.

About the Author:
Jeffrey Bozanic
P.O. Box 3448
Huntington Beach, CA 92605-3448
(714) 775-4462
E-mail:  JBozanic@HQonline.net
Jeff was certified as a NAUI Instructor in 1978, and for the NSS-CDS in 1983. He is certified to teach diving for the NSS-CDS, IANTD, TDI, and NAUI. Jeff is active in teaching cave, rebreather, nitrox, technical nitrox, and trimix diving courses. Together with his wife, Rebekah, he has maintained the combined accident files for the cave diving community (a joint project of the NSS-CDS, NACD, and IUCRR). He has published extensively on diving education topics, with heavy emphasis on cave diving safety techniques. He has edited/reviewed many diving textbooks, and is the author of Mastering Rebreathers. He has served on several Boards of Directors in the diving community, including as Chairman of the NSS-CDS and as Vice Chairman of NAUI, and as Treasurer on the AAUS Board. Jeff has received the NAUI Outstanding and Continuing Service Awards; the Silver Wakulla, Abe Davis, Henry Nicholson, and International Safe Cave Diving Awards; the SSI Platinum Pro 5000 Award, and is a NAUI Hall of Honor inductee.
Article Copyright 2005 Jeffrey Bozanic, All Rights Reserved

Separation Protocol by George Irvine

This is how we handle buddy separation issues. It is the responsibility of the front diver to know if the next guy is there or not. If he is not, the front stops, turns, and retraces. If the third guy stops, the second guy must stop and deal with him. It is still the responsibility of the front guy to know if the second guy is there. A light flash would be great, but the protocol must work in the event that a light flash is not possible. 
It is the responsibility of the guys in back to hold light on the person in front of them such that the front person can see the beam and know the buddy is there. We stay close in all cave, regardless of size, but in small cave this prevents losing buddy at every turn, and it allows the buddy to ride through any silt or halocline or whatever stirred by the front guy without stopping and starting. If the vis gets really bad, the back guy's responsibility is to either be in touch contact with the front swimming or to bump the fins with the vehicle if scootering. This is standard WKPP stuff and I expect everyone to know this and adhere to it. I hate diving with people who can't play by these rules as it results in a slinky dive and a stress out. I personally thumb any dive where this or other breaches of protocol occur.

The front guy can do a sidewave signal if he can not see the back guy, which tells the back guy to swing his beam across the front guy's mask, showing that he is there. If the line is buried, the front guy must signal no line with his light (slow back and forth), and the back guy must automatically stop and hold his position on the line that he can still see. When the front guy finds the line ahead, he signals a fore and aft sweep of the light indicating he has regained the line, and the back guy can then proceed by returning the signal (not an "ok" signal).

We have no excuses for buddy separation lasting more than seconds. We stay as close as possible at all times. If you are not bumping into your buddy from time to time, you are too far away. The trick to what we do is team execution. The reason nobody can touch us in this game, including what are considered the 'best" in the world, is that they don't get this part. When Sheck Exley started diving with me, he was so amazed at what can be done our way that he talked to me every night at home and called me every day on his lunch break to talk about what dive we could do the next weekend. What Exley used to tough out by himself or with strokes over periods of weeks of aborted CFs, he could do with me in one day.

Just by way of comparison of philosophies, the UDSCT (made of up some of the most horrific idiots in Florida cave diving as well as the "best" from Europe and other places) took 90 days of diving to get halfway out JJ and my line in the main tunnel of Wakulla, and JJ and I went back after they were booted out and added to the end of our own line (twice as far as their max pen) in one dive in one day. The difference is in the ability to work a dive as a cohesive team. The little details are what makes this happen.

Oxygen Toxicity Protocol by Scott Hunsucker

The purpose of this protocol will be to establish standard operational procedures for dealing with in water oxygen toxicity events by divers of the Woodville Karst Plain Project.  These techniques are not recommended for anyone's use except WKPP personnel.  WKPP has removed the contact numbers on this web published document, the surface
manager will always have them at the appropriate site. 

 I.  Possible Causes 

A.  Prolonged exposures to elevated PPO2's. 

B.  Sudden spike in PPO2 (i.e. switching gases). 

C.  Use of improper deco gas or use of gas at the wrong depth. 

                  (This should NEVER HAPPEN) 

 II.  Signs and Symptoms 

A.  Convulsions 

B.  Visual Disturbances 

C.  Ringing in the ears 

D.  Nausea 

E.  Muscle twitches, especially facial 

F.  Irritability 

G.  Dizziness 

 III.  Assessment 

Particular attention needs to be given to maintaining the divers airway, primarily after the seizure has ceased.  It should be noted that the diver will NOT be breathing immediately following the seizure.  This is a normal reaction and is to be expected.  The diver should resume spontaneous respiration within 60 seconds.  The diver should be carefully observed for the end of the tonic/clonic (seizure) period.  During this period nothing should be done. 

Care also needs to be given to the divers buoyancy.  It is important that the diver remains close to the depth at which the seizure first occurred in order to prevent possible problems with decompression or air gas embolism  (AGE) 

 IV.  In Water Response for Tonic/Clonic episode w/o aspiration 

 A. Observe the seizure activity and stay close enough to the diver to prevent buoyancy problems. 

B. After the seizure has stopped, maintain the diver in a face down (prone) and horizontal position.  Check pulse. 

C. If at all possible, transport the diver to the appropriate trough.  The diver should ascend NO MORE than 10'.  Descending to a deeper trough would be preferred.  Transport needs to be carried out as soon as the seizure ceases and BEFORE respiration resumes. 

D. Secure the diver in the trough.  Place the diver on 20/20 mix or back gas (to lower PPO2).  Place the regulator in the divers mouth and purge for a few seconds.  Check pulse again.  This also needs to be carried out before respirations resume. 

E. Notify a support diver that there has been an oxygen toxicity episode, give them the divers name, depth, and time of oxygen toxicity event; at this point the support diver should immediately inform the surface manager. 

F. Watch for the divers respirations to resume.  Check the pulse again.  If no spontaneous respirations occur within 60 seconds initiate artificial respiration.  This should be done by use of the purge valve of the regulator.  Purges should last for no more than 2 seconds, with an exhalation phase of 2-3 seconds.  It will be necessary to manually open the divers airway and hold it in that position.  This is done simply be lifting the chin upwards. 

G. Once the diver has resumed respirations, note the time and wait for the diver to regain consciousness.  The diver will be confused and may be combative for several minutes following, this is normal and to be expected.  During this time talk to the diver to reassure him and maintain control.  Once the diver is fully conscious, he should spend 15 minutes on a mix with a lower O2 percentage before resuming decompression.  Deco should be resumed at the point that the diver became toxic. 

H. After the toxicity episode the diver should be attended by a safety diver for the remainder of his/her decompression.  This diver may well tox again and at NO TIME should they be left alone. 

I.   If the diver is wearing a full face mask w/ Q.D. regs, replace the gas line into the mask w/ a mix containing a lower oxygen content.  Secure the diver in the trough and wait for him to regain consciousness.  Notify support diver to inform surface manager.  Keep the diver on the lower mix for 15 mins before allowing them to resume deco and watch carefully. 

V.  In water response for Tonic/Clonic episode with aspiration. 

NOTE: Preventing aspiration is of utmost importance.  Diligent attention needs to be given to the divers airway.  If the regulator pops out of the divers mouth IT IS IMPERATIVE that the either the divers head is out of the water or that a  regulator is replaced BEFORE respirations resume.  The diver must stay in a prone (face down) position while being rescued.  

A. Follow above steps for non-aspiration episode.  If it appears that the diver aspirates proceed as follows. 

B.  Inform support diver that the diver in question has aspirated, they in turn will inform surface manager. 

C. As long as the divers airway never relaxed underwater, then there should only be a small amount of water in the lungs.  There is nothing that we can do about this  underwater.  The diver will most likely cough violently after he regains consciousness, therefore he will need to be watched very closely to prevent further damage. 

VI. Surface responsibilities 

A. Upon being notified of an oxygen toxicity event, write down all information given.  It would be wisest to assign someone as a note taker.  Careful documentation will be needed.  A copy of divers name, depth and time of onset, deco status at time of onset and profile for dive, should be prepared in case diver has to be transported to the chamber. 

B.  The surface manage is to call or assign one person to call Tallahassee Community Hospital ER and advise them to let the chamber personnel know of the event.  It might not be necessary to have the diver transported, but the forewarning of necessary personnel is advisable.  If the diver has aspirated it is necessary to let them know, and  that we will be coming to them as soon as it is safe to transport. 


1.  Regulator retention straps for all decompression bottles. 

2.  Better mouth pieces on decompression regulators to facilitate retention in case of seizure. 

3.  Full face masks with quick disconnects for exploration team and divers with very long exposures. 

4.  Specially trained and designated safety divers, these divers should not be considered part of the support team.  If this is not feasible than periodic training of all safety divers should be performed. 

Decompression Sickness Procedures by Scott Hunsucker

In the event of a DCS hit there are some steps that need to be taken to ensure the safety of the diver:

RECORD This should be done by ONE person who (assigned by SM or person in charge) will be able to be stay with diver.

Profile of dive and deco including gases.  Soon the chamber will know all of our gases and we should not need to record them, however, it would be wisest to continue to do so.

Time of onset and location within the profile.
Divers name, age, and relevant info (meds, allergies, etc.) we will do this in case the diver is unable to respond at the hospital/chamber.

Signs/symptoms.  Including pulse, respirations, mental status, etc.
Refer to neuro sheet from last year, if you do not have one I will try to round up some more by this weekend.  A handful of these should be w/ surface manager at all times.  The neuro check sheet will go w/ diver to chamber.  Neuro checks should be done every 15 mins or so, 5 if severe. 

Anything and everything else that occurs.  Documentation is critical, please do not take lightly.

PERFORM  all of this (record, care, etc) happens at the same time handled as a team

Neuro check immediately upon complaint and every 5/15 min thereafter.

Remove from water.  If possible, diver can move w/ minimal assistance, the grass parking lot should be used to avoid alarming the visitors.  If there is ANY serious problem then leave them on the beach.

Remove from suit if possible w/o aggravating injury.  If not DAN will cover cost up to 1500 (may not be accurate figure)

Immediately place on O2, reg is fine if diver can hold in mouth.  If not a non-rebreather mask at 15 LPM is needed.  I have these, but we will need to procure a reg that can handle the hose.  If the diver is not breathing DO NOT TRY TO INFLATE LUNGS W/ PURGE VALVE, unless you are trained in this, and have done it, there is a strong chance of rupturing lungs.  Bag valve mask is best, but you need training to be effective.  Mouth to mouth w/ the rescuer breathing pure O2 is last option.

If the diver is conscious force fluids.  The ones we drink during diving (water, diluted gatorade, etc).  If the least bit of lethargy is noted then do not force fluids, they can aspirate (bad stuff please avoid)

If the diver has NOT taken one aspirin (ASA) earlier in the day, and they are not allergic to it, then administer one ASA.  Note this on paperwork.  800 mg of Ibuprofen (if not allergic) if not taken within the last four hours, should also be given.  Only give meds if the diver is conscious and can drink on their own.

If it is a Type I or very minor Type II (finger tingling, etc) and depending on other factors determined in the assessment transport by car needs to be arranged.  O2 and fluids go with diver as well as a third person to assist.

If the hit is severe, should be able to be determined upon surfacing or shortly after, or if problems increase then 911 needs to be called.  Wakulla County EMS is aware of our operations and will have an extra unit available when we are diving.  They will   normally meet us in the grass lot, unless we tell them otherwise.  They will enter the side gate which needs to be unlocked by park staff, SM should assign someone to see to this.  If side can't be accomplished they will use the front (takes longer).

IMMEDIATELY upon realizing the hit, the SM will contact three numbers:  the hospital, the chamber, and the assigned chamber safety officer.  The SM has these numbers and they are updated every diving weekend.

If the hit is really severe, immediately life threatening, or if Tally's chamber is down (SM will know this every time) air transport is possible to other chambers.  We are working out the details on this.

I will put this out in proper protocol form when we have all of the details worked out.  This covers the basics for now.  I will be around all weekends for April and most of them after that.  Lets play this right and not have to deal with any of this.  As all of you know, and some have seen, DCS can be severe, even life threatening, if there is  suit if possible w/o aggravating injury.  If not DAN will cover cost up to 1500 (may not be accurate figure)

Immediately place on O2, reg is fine if diver can hold in mouth.  If not a non-rebreather mask at 15 LPM is needed.  I have these, but we will need to procure a reg that can handle the hose.  If the diver is not breathing DO NOT TRY TO INFLATE LUNGS W/ PURGE VALVE, unless you are trained in this, and have done it, there is a strong chance of rupturing lungs.  Bag valve mask is best, but you need training to be effective.  Mouth to mouth w/ the rescuer breathing pure O2 is last option.

If the diver is conscious force fluids.  The ones we drink during diving (water, diluted gatorade, etc).  If the least bit of lethargy is noted then do not force fluids, they can aspirate (bad stuff please avoid)

If the diver has NOT taken one aspirin (ASA) earlier in the day, and they are not allergic to it, then administer one ASA.  Note this on paperwork.  800 mg of Ibuprofen (if not allergic) if not taken within the last four hours, should also be given.  Only give meds if the diver is conscious and can drink on their own.

If it is a Type I or very minor Type II (finger tingling, etc) and depending on other factors determined in the assessment transport by car needs to be arranged.  O2 and fluids go with diver as well as a third person to assist.

If the hit is severe, should be able to be determined upon surfacing or shortly after, or if problems increase then 911 needs to be called.  Wakulla County EMS is aware of our operations and will have an extra unit available when we are diving.  They will   normally meet us in the grass lot, unless we tell them otherwise.  They will enter the side gate which needs to be unlocked by park staff, SM should assign someone to see to this.  If side can't be accomplished they will use the front (takes longer).

IMMEDIATELY upon realizing the hit, the SM will contact three numbers:  the hospital, the chamber, and the assigned chamber safety officer.  The SM has these numbers and they are updated every diving weekend.

If the hit is really severe, immediately life threatening, or if Tally's chamber is down (SM will know this every time) air transport is possible to other chambers.  We are working out the details on this.

I will put this out in proper protocol form when we have all of the details worked out.  This covers the basics for now.  I will be around all weekends for April and most of them after that.  Lets play this right and not have to deal with any of this.  As all of you know, and some have seen, DCS can be severe, even life threatening, if there is 

WKPP - Approved Gases

WKPP - Approved Gases
by Casey McKinlay and George Irvine

These gases are for use in the WKPP and are not to be confused with anything else outside of the WKPP.
They reflect MINIMUM helium requirements and MAXIMUM oxygen requirements.
See the other sections of this web site for more explanation and detail.

Bottom Gas
Depth Range
Max O2%
Min He%
0-190 ft.***
190 ft. +

Drysuit Inflation Gas - 100% Argon

*** 190 gas gets dropped when 190 is reached.
There are no 190 profiles in the WKP - all caves are deeper or shallower than that.
For caves where the depth is expected to stay beyond 150 feet other than in a slope to depth,
the helium in the 190 gas needs to be pushed up accordingly.

Gas choices for profiles beyond the expected must be approved
by both the Project Engineer and the Project Director
Support Diver Gas
Depth Range
Max O2%
Min He%
0-190 ft.
200 ft. +

Deco Gas
Depth Range
Max O2%
Min He%
200 - 240 ft. *
130 - 190 ft.
80 - 120 ft.
30 - 70 ft.
Oxygen @ 30ft
ONLY when Dry, Out of the Water, and in Habitat
0 - 20 ft.
100% O2

* 200 - 240 ft. deco gas is used only for maximum deco, using rebreather.
Back Gas Breaks
Max O2%
Min He%
100% O2 Break - 12 Minutes On / 6 Minutes Off
Break @ Deco Stop prior to Gas Switch (130ft, 80ft, 30ft)
Extended Bottom Times - Break @ 50ft for 20 minutes

2 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

Diving Unlimited International Recalls Weight Systems

Diving Unlimited International

Description:Manufacturing defects in the lanyard connecting the handle to the pocket or the cable securing the pocket to the harness can prevent the weight pockets from easily detaching from the harness and releasing the weights when the handle is pulled. This poses a drowning hazard to consumers.

Units: About 1,454 in the U.S. and 46 in Canada

The weight harnesses are made of heavyweight nylon and are black in color with gray handles. The DUI logo appears on the pockets. The Weight & Trim System Classic has two small weight pockets on each side. The Weight & Trim System II has one large weight pocket on each side.

Systems with large silver stripes on the sides have been inspected or repaired and are not affected by this recall.

Sold at: Diving equipment retailers nationwide and in Canada between July 2010 and April 2011 for about $124.

Consumers should immediately stop using the systems. For additional information, contact DUI Customer Service between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. PT Monday through Friday at (800) 325-8439, by e-mail at CustomerService@DUI-Online.com or visit www.DUI-Online.com

OMS recall alert

OMS Buoyancy Compensators

Description:The buoyancy compensator seal ring could crack. The compensators were sold in black or red. “OMS” is printed on the front inside of the compensators. Item and serial numbers are printed on the warning label located in the non-inflation area of the buoyancy compensator. A list of serial numbers included in this recall is available from the firm. This recall involves buoyancy compensators with the following model numbers.
Item Number Description
BC116-32B16 B Non retraction single tank BC 32 lb. lift / Black
BC116-32R Non retraction single tank BC 32 lb. lift / Red
BC-LGS45 Larry Green Signature Series 45 lb. lift BC
BC-LGS70 Larry Green Signature Series 70 lb. lift BC
BC118 - K Dual Bladder BC [inflated] 94 lb. lift Black or Red
BC115 - KB Dual Bladder BC, 60 lb. lift in Black
BC115 - KR Dual Bladder BC, 60 lb. lift in Red
BC118 - K Dual Bladder BC [deflated] 94 lb. lift Black or Red
Item Number Description
BC117 - K45 Single Bladder BC 45 lb. lift / Black
BC117CR - K45 Chemically Resistant 45 lb. lift / Black
BC117 - K60 Single Bladder BC, 60 lb. lift / Black
BC117 - KB Single Bladder BC, 94 lb. lift / Black
BC117 - KR Single Bladder BC, 94 lb. lift / Red
BC116-45B Non-retraction Single Bladder BC 45 lb. lift/ Black
BC116-60B Non-retraction Single Bladder BC 60 lb. lift/ Black
BC116-60R Non-retraction Single Bladder BC 60 lb. lift/ Red
BC116-60C Chemically Resistant 60 lb. lift / Black
Units: About 20,000

Sold at: Dive stores nationwide from May 2006 through August 2008

For additional information, contact Ocean Management Systems toll-free at (877) 791-0315 between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, visit the firm’s website at www.omsdive.com, or email the firm at recall@omsdive.com